1. Provision of service
Nostr Services Pty Ltd shall provide the services to Client as set out in appendix to this Agreement as well as in our Acceptable Use Policy. These Terms are governed by Australian law.
2. Term
This Agreement is valid from the date Nostr Services Pty Ltd receives the order from the Customer and payment outlined in the Agreement. The agreement applies then with 1 month mutual notice. Cancellation of service shall be handled through Stripe payment gateway.
3. Changes
Nostr Services Pty Ltd has no right to without prior notification to the Customer perform changes to the Service or this Agreement. When changes which significantly affect the function or content of the service, the Customer shall be given the opportunity to prematurely break the contract without any charges.
The changes will be affect one month after notice.
4. Disclaimers and Warranties
We are not liable for any property, equipment, software, consequential, incidental, punitive, or other damages, under any circumstances. The rate for Our service is based, in part, upon Your waiver of such damages and You freely acknowledge and consent to this limitation on Your remedies. Our maximum liability arising out of or related to this agreement will not exceed the total amount of fees billed to You during the three months preceding the claimed breach.
5. Privacy
Nostr Services Pty Ltd shall keep confidential and not disclose information regarding the Customer except where this required by Australian law or is pre-approved by the Customer. Customer data will be always stored and transfered encrypted. Communication between our staff will be always secured and encrypted.
6. Billing Procedures
All services are prepayed. If no payment is done until the due date the service will be deleted. Overdue Payments on colocation: All payments will be net 20 days. If payment is not received by the due date, the Your service will not be temporarily disabled and data permanently deleted until 2 weeks past due. You will be re-sent Your invoice along with a notice stating that Your payment is more than X days overdue and You must make a payment now to prevent having Your service disabled. If no payment is received in three weeks, Your subscription will be canceled and data permanently deleted.
All payments are nonrefundable, but could be placed as Account Credit.
A. Special terms and conditions
The Customer is responsible for the usage of the service and information made available through it.
You will engage only in lawful activities (according to Australian and from housed servers country laws);
You will not engage in any activity, nor permit others to use Your hosting, to engage in actions that will limit, prevent, or interfere with the rights or lawful access of any other user of the Internet, or any computer system accessible through the Internet.
You will not engage in any activity, nor permit others to use Your hosting, to engage in actions that will result in the unauthorized access to the computers, data, or networks of others or harm the health of somebody.
You will not store any malware, trojan or any other software or hardware to intercept or surveillance people.
In case you use our services for such illicit activity you agree to pay a fine of 1 million (1.000.000) AUD.
Nostr Services Pty Ltd is entitled to after a warning terminate this Agreement or limit the service, if the customer's use of the Service causes considerable economic damage to Nostr Services Pty Ltd.
Nostr Services Pty Ltd has the right to temporarily restrict the service if necessary to ensure the function of other customers.
Nostr Services Pty Ltd is not authorized to monitor customer traffic through or use of the Service other than for statistics or management of the service function.
Nostr Services Pty Ltd has the right to terminate the service without prior warning, if the service is used or intended to be used for cybercrime, to send or otherwise use the Network for unsolicited or prohibited advertising or any other illegal content.
Nostr Services Pty Ltd has the right to not issue a service if the purpose is related towards cybercrime. There will be no refund issued and your account closed.
B. Special terms and conditions for Web service
If Nostr Services Pty Ltd determine that a customer's account is utilizing an unacceptable amount of system resources, we may temporarily deactivate the account in question. If we deem it necessary, an eviction notice may be sent to the customer of an offending account providing them with five (5) days in which to locate a new provider. This only occurs in extreme cases.
User is ultimately responsible for the backup of their information. While Nostr Services Pty Ltd is backed up by various processes, the availability of such data is also not guaranteed to be available. However, the backup processes are very rigorous.
Nostr Services Pty Ltd is not responsible for any kind of data loss.
C. User-Account:
If the customer loses their Nostr private key and could not be verified to regain access to their account the subscription will be closed for security reasons.
Have any questions, don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected]
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